Note excuses
Big Media Spin from The Note today:
Yesterday's [$6 million] announcement was classic Dean: it came in the form of an e-mail to volunteers early Sunday morning. But no one told the press, ensuring that the Sunday shows kept mum about it.
That's a mighty slanted way to look at it.
Not just sent as an e-mail, the $6 million number was posted on the Dean home page
and the Dean blog
and the Unofficial Blog at around
1:00am Sunday morning. That's hours and
hours before any of the Sunday shows begin.
Is it
so hard (knowing that a campaign uses their website to disseminate timely information) to
reload the page now and then while at your desk? Can any of the Sunday shows spare two minutes of one lowly staffer's time to check for news on the websites of the campaigns once a day?
The networks are behind the curve and making excuses. Get with it.
Posted by
V at June 30, 2003 01:37 PM