Dean on Lessig's Blog
So Howard Dean is
guest blogging for Larry Lessig this week. I have mixed feelings about this, but we'll see how it goes. Today he wrote a little bit about the
recent FCC controversy and media conglomeration. I don't think that he should post lengthy policy papers durings his guest blogger tenure and don't expect him to. I think that just using the medium and letting a particular constituency (Lessig's audience) know that certain issues are on his radar and his rough take on those issues is fine for starters. From today's post:
The FCC recently ruled that cable and phone based broadband providers be classified as information rather than telecommunications services. This is the first step in a process that could allow Internet providers to arbitrarily limit the content that users can access. The phone and cable industries could have the power to discriminate against content that they don’t control or-- even worse-- simply don’t like.
Posted by J at July 14, 2003 11:13 PM