Beware Rs bearing gifts
I posted this as a comment at another site; I think it stands up by itself too:
It amazes me that people actually believe Rove was being honest when he said they want Dean. He wasn't under oath, people.
If the D party were really picking a loser, don't you think they'd keep their mouths shut about it and just ride to an easy victory? I hear them picking Lieberman as the guy it would be toughest to beat and I laugh my head off.
To all the 'conservative' writers who are scolding the Democrats for looking seriously at a guy who is actually inspiring a broad swath of left, liberal and 'militant moderates' (that would be me) to donate time, energy and money more than a year before the election, my response is the same:
"Thank you for your clearly sincere and objective concern for our prospects. You must truly have our interests at heart."
Posted by V at July 31, 2003 11:19 AM