Thought Experiment
From a
CalPundit comment thread, a bold statement by 'dave':
"he has no hope of winning Texas -- and neither does any Democratic nominee." That's the sort of defeatist trap that has left the Democrats in the pathetic state they're in today.
The way i see it, Dean has to take Texas in order to meet my personal goal, which is taking 49 out of 50 states and making the 2004 Bush defeat as bitter a memory for Republicans as McGovern in 1972 is for the Democrats.
I want to see the neoconservatives not only defeated but utterly destroyed, since their paranoid foreign policy has stained the memory of every innocent who died on 9/11 with the blood of equally innocent Iraqi civilians. Give the GOP back to the Republicans! (Remember them? They were a party that started in a fight for civil rights, then became the party of fiscal responsibility and non-interventionist foreign policy, back before the Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight took over)
So brainstorm with me:
if Bush lost 49 states, what one state would Bush carry?
(With a
tied election last time, this scenario is as relevant as the equation of Dean with McGovern, i.e. not terribly. Still, for fun, what is Bush's safest state even when he loses in a landslide?)
According to
this map and the
2000 election results, it looks like
Idaho, Wyoming or Utah.
Update: More electoral maps:
Purple America by Leonard Richardson,
County-by-county from USA Today.
Posted by V at August 2, 2003 03:44 PM