Biden is Out
Joe Biden has stated that he is
not running for President this year.
"At this late date, everything would have to fall perfectly into place and I would have to put on hold what influence I have in the United States Senate in pursuit of what is now too much of a long shot," said Biden, re-elected last year to a sixth term in the Senate.
"Ultimately, a decision of this nature is intensely personal, and my experiences have taught me under such circumstances to follow my own instincts," Biden added. "At this moment, my instincts tell me that the best way for me to work to enhance America's national security and to fight for economic security for the middle class is to remain in the United States Senate. From there, I will also attempt to influence the positions taken by my party's nominee on these issues."
Right. Good. We need Democratic Senators to keep working in the Senate.
Now, let's wait to see what Clark does...
Posted by J at August 11, 2003 1:27 PM
Whoopsie. I posted this before noticing that V had already posted about this. Oh well, it's a two-fer.
Great minds and all that....