Bush = Liability
Here's an idea:
When Clinton was impeached, his approval rating was still higher than Bush's is now (66% vs. around 55%).
Bush, however, is regularly called a 'popular President' by the corporate media.
Democrats were shy about having Clinton campaign with them (for obvious reasons).
But given Bush's lower popularity, isn't it conceivable that Republicans will also have mixed feelings about co-campaigning with Bush?
I think it's worth talking up the liability that Bush will present to his party.
Much of the Republican media strategy has been based on raw assertions and bluffs, which the opposition should learn from; there's a case to be made that
Bush will be a doubtful asset, and simply repeating that it is so will help make it so.
Stop cooperating with Republican spin by granting that Bush is a popular President; that hands them a weapon. Make them fight for it.
Posted by V at August 17, 2003 11:31 AM