Gep Goes Oppo!
Hehehe. The opposition researchers are out in force in Vermont. Seven Days, an alternative weekly in Vermont, describes how they
uncovered one of Dick Gephardt's researchers trying to dig up dirt on Dean.
We identified ourselves and complimented her on her writing.
“Is this a media request?" asked Monica.
No, we explained, we just wanted to let her know that Seven Days would be reporting this week on her recent visit to Vermont. We also added that we loved her blonde jokes.
Monica sounded a little nervous. A little taken aback. Bet she’s never been called by a Vermont political columnist before. Caught her at a bad time?
“I’m not going to be able to speak to you," she said.
“But you just did," we replied.
Then she was silent for a few seconds before hanging up.
They figured out who she was through
the magic of Google.
Posted by J at August 22, 2003 01:57 PM