Republican Cudahay for Dean
Michael Cudahay, who worked for George Bush the First, among other Republicans, is
fed up with Bush II and what the Republican party has turned into and is supporting Dean (kinda).
As we have all witnessed, Republican media strategists have been very effective at scaring the living daylights out of the citizens of this country, and driving down overall turnout. It is a process which, if not stopped soon, may very well become impossible to reverse.
And then -- we might find ourselves well down the road to being a Banana Republic governed by strutting, angry ideologues -- interested more in maintaining their political power than in enacting thoughtful bipartisan policy.
[...]Governor Dean projects a complete unwillingness to be afraid, and that is the key to taking these people out. From what I am hearing from friends inside the Republican Party, they are deeply concerned by the Dean campaign because they do not know how to deal with it.
Posted by J at September 1, 2003 10:19 AM