Edwards drops out...
...of the race for his own Senate seat.
Edwards Decides Against Second Senate Run (washingtonpost.com)
He said the response to his bus tours in Iowa and New Hampshire last month had been "overwhelmingly positive" and said his new television ads were also generating a good response. "Given all this, the decision to move forward decisively to seek the nomination was not a difficult one," he said.
The former trial lawyer, first elected to the Senate in 1998, will formally launch his presidential candidacy on Sept. 16 in Robbins, N.C.
September 16!? People made fun of Dean for doing it in
Is anyone doing their 'formal' announcement even later than Edwards, or is he the last?
On his Senate race, I think if he was going to go for broke like this (and I strongly doubt he'll be the nominee), he should have announced this decision weeks and weeks ago. Waiting till now hurt the other possible D candidates for his seat, and it certainly doesn't say much for his decisiveness.
Posted by V at September 8, 2003 07:26 PM