Petty Comparison
I just noticed something interesting over at
the Kerry Blog. If you look in their sidebar, you'll see a bunch of so-called "Unofficial Kerry Sites." If you actually look at what some of these links are, though, you'll see that the Kerry Blog Staff is providing links to Yahoo mailing lists which are not actually websites. By contrast, the
Dean weblog sidebar consists of Unofficial sites (which are actually websites, not just mailing lists) as well as a whole list of regional sites. Kerry lumps unofficial sites with regional sites with mailing lists. The Dean folks don't even bother to list the Yahoogroups and other mailing lists for Dean, probably because they'd run out of room! (There are 583 Yahoogroups upon a search for Howard Dean and 100 upon a search for John Kerry, as a point of comparison.)
Another interesting contrast to my eyes is that the Kerry folks do not have a regular 'blogroll' of sites that aren't necessarily Kerry supporters but are just interesting weblogs. Dean's site has had that since Day One, I think, and it's one of the things that really impressed me. I do wish they'd remove the link to the Instahack, but I'll get over it. Anyway, this is a small detail that demonstrates to me that Kerry's campaign is not really into the whole blog thing and certainly doesn't 'get it' the way the Dean staffers do. Not something to switch one's vote over, but perhaps relevant, or at least telling, in combination with other factors.
Posted by J at September 9, 2003 07:20 PM