A Simple Question for Dubya
Here's a question I'd like to see in a Howard Kurtz column, if not in a front-page article in the WaPo. From Mark A. R. Kleiman's handy summary of the current state of The Case of the CIA Leak:
Open Source Politics: United States: PLAMESVILLE DIARY: MR. NOVAK, MEET MR. AGEE
...here's a question I'd love to see the President forced to answer: Will you promise -- now -- that no official of your administration accused or convicted in connection with the revelation of the identity of an undercover CIA officer or the attempt to cover it up will receive a pardon?
That seems like one way Bush could prove he's serious about rooting out the problem.
I'm sure there's an argument a Republican could construct that it's a partisan trap unworthy of a response, but I can't figure out how exactly it would go; anyone want to take a shot at it?
Posted by V at October 6, 2003 08:18 PM