Where's the Brilliance?
Some additional thoughts on the latest Clark campaign shake-up, adapted from a comment at BFA:
All along while Clark was hemming and hawing over whether to be a Democrat and whether to run, Clark supporters on various blogs were saying that "Ohhh.... he's a general, a master strategist! A brilliant tactician!" And they were claiming that once he decided to run everyone would be blown away at his organization and acumen and skill and that he would hit the ground running.
Well, as we have seen, and to use a phrase that Dr. Dean likes, that turned out not to be true.
This latest intra- campaign squabble coupled with his "only been in the race 9 days" nonsense at the debate added to his flip-flops on his position on the war resolution, and so forth, do not demonstrate to me that Clark brings any particular tactical or strategic campaigning brilliance.
Politics and political campaigns are different from being SACEUR. The skills, as we have seen, that make one brilliant in one job are not immediately transferrable to the other.
Posted by J at October 7, 2003 08:32 PM