Lessig on Campaign Blogs
Larry Lessig's inaugural column in Wired is
about campaign weblogs. Except for the merging of 'forum' and 'weblog' that seems to be taking place (and not only in Lessig's taxonomy), it's a pretty good article.
when done right, as the Howard Dean campaign apparently is doing, the blog is a tool for building community. The trick is to turn the audience into the speaker. A well-structured blog inspires both reading and writing. And by getting the audience to type, candidates get the audience committed. Engagement replaces reception, which in turn leads to real space action. The life of the Dean campaign on the Internet is not really life on the Internet. It's the activity in real space that the Internet inspires.
Lessig also points out the need for authenticity in developing an effective community. I think that's what some of the other campaign weblogs are short on, truth be told.
Posted by J at October 15, 2003 09:09 PM