Dean and Unions
I don't know much about how union politics works, but this seems like
a positive thing for the Dean campaign.
Neither 1199 nor its parent union, the Service Employees International Union, has yet endorsed a Democratic candidate. But after this weekend's conference, it's pretty evident how 1199 members are leaning.
"They mobbed Dean and cheered him wildly from the moment he walked into the back of the hall," said a union shop steward in attendance.
Also, the painter's union has
officially endorsed Dean.
The union's leadership likes Dean because his campaign has been able to galvanize disenfranchised Democrats and use the Internet to reach new voters.
"Our endorsement is largely in recognition that Governor Dean has done what we've all asked Democratic candidates to do, and that is to find the base of the party and mobilize it -- and don't rely on labor to be the sole ground troops.''
Posted by J at October 23, 2003 08:59 PM