Unfaithful Republicans
When Democrats have marital troubles, it's spun as a moral failing inherent in Party members. (Howard Kurtz made a
famously biased crack in May singling out Democrats as unable to keep their zippers zipped.)
What happens when a Republican is unfaithful to the point of trashing his marriage? We'll see, but my guess: not much.
Rep. La Tourette's wife says he wants a divorce after admitting to D.C. affair [The Hill.com]
The wife of Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-Ohio) said Monday that her husband of 21 years has asked her for a divorce after admitting he is involved with another woman, a Washington lobbyist.
“I think Washington corrupts people,” she said. “He was a wonderful husband and father, the best I ever saw, until he went there. I told him I was trying to get him out of the dark side, all that power and greed and people kissing up to them all time. Now he’s one of them. All they care about is getting reelected. I hate them all."
Well, there's that too.
I don't think party affiliation should be taken as an indicator of one's personal morality, but given the current political climate it's hard to resist Atrios' sauce-for-the-gander take:
Just What the Country Needs: Another Republican who can't keep his zipper zipped.
Posted by V at October 28, 2003 01:19 PM
I don't think party affiliation should be taken as an indicator of one's personal morality
But that's what the right wing sez: Democrats are out of touch with the values of mainstream America.
Apparently mainstream American values now include affairs with people you meet on the job, a phoned-in divorce notice, then on to the young new thing. Two Repugs this month, recalling the ever-favorite twofer of Gingrich and Livingston.