The Southerner Speaks
Wesley Clark in the New York Daily News:
Q: And what is Clark's reaction to former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's pandering comment that that he, Dean, wants the votes of Southerners, i.e. "guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks"?
A: "Well, he shouldn't have said those things. I think all Americans - and this is a joke! - all Americans, even if they're from the South and 'stupid,' should be represented."
Can I get me some more outrage from John Edwards?
And hey, did Clark punctuate 'stupid' with air quotes or did the Daily News? Who can tell? This just cracks me up.
I'm beginning again to wonder whether Clark and Dean have a little agreement between them. The only real spat has been over Dean calling Clark a Republican, and that could just be innoculating him for the general election. Hmmm!!
Posted by J at November 10, 2003 12:34 PM