AFT Survey Responses
The American Federation of Teachers is posting
candidate responses to a questionnaire they've sent to each of the Presidential candidates. They're clearly ticked off at Bush. The candidates are listed thusly:
Governor Howard Dean
Senator John Edwards
Representative Richard Gephardt
Senator John F. Kerry
Senator Joseph Lieberman
Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun
Bush-Cheney Campaign
I looked at
Dean's responses and he's, as usual, thoughtful and hits many of the right notes. Bush-Cheney Inc., though, says:
Thank you for your letter inviting President Bush to respond to the American Federation of Teachers candidate questionnaire.
President Bush is committed to educating America's children and he is grateful for the opportunity to provide your members with more information about his positive agenda for America and his hopeful vision for the future.
Our campaign is just now assembling our team and facilities. Once established, we will respond directly to your inquiry.
We look forward to working with you and the American Federation of Teachers throughout this election period.
Guess they're not using that $200 million in their unopposed primary to develop whitepapers or answers to questionnaires, are they?
Posted by J at November 25, 2003 09:56 PM