Here We Go...
This is what we call
putting your money where your mouth is. Dean's going to ask his half million supporters to help out Iowa Congressman Leonard Boswell who's been targetted for removal by the GOP.
The appeal is part of a broader effort by Dean to use his unexpectedly potent fund-raising network to support the campaigns of 19 or 20 congressional candidates. Collectively, their victories would break the Republican grip on both the House and Senate.
One political analyst said Dean's effort to simultaneously direct his supporters not only to his campaign but to those of congressional candidates as well is both unusual and also the latest indication of Dean's unconventional thinking.
In his politically astute way, Dean is not only throwing a bone to supporters like me (who like his approach of trying to take back Congress as well as the White House), but is also demonstrating keen strategic thinking as well:
The effort also would not be completely altruistic: Dean is running neck and neck in Iowa with Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri. Showing political largesse toward Boswell, who has yet to endorse a candidate in the Jan. 19 Iowa caucuses, could not only help in the battle with Gephardt, but also with Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts.
Go, Dean go. I haven't got the email yet. As soon as I do, Mr. Boswell can have $25.
Posted by J at December 2, 2003 07:52 AM