Turning Tides?
Came across
this article -- the language suggests to me that the author is ... pretty conservative, both religiously and with a tinge of the black helicopter kind of conservatism.... But, he's fed up with Bush and has decided to vote for a Democrat for the first time in his life:
Howard Dean. He also thinks that Dean should stay out of small planes.
If there is one thing that true conservatives share, it is their solid and unwavering conviction to do what is both lawful and right, both under the law, and in the eyes of our God. In that light, our current president is woefully unfaithful, and in fact, treasonous to our Constitution.
A president who personally declares a United States citizen an enemy combatant, ineligible for legal counsel or to face his accusers and their evidence against him, even though he was arrested on U.S. soil and never carried a weapon against U.S. forces or their allies, is a domestic enemy of the people of the United States. True Christian conservatives understood that the moment he issued the order.
True Americans with solid constitutional convictions were outraged by that, and they immediately knew they had a problem in the White House. I don’t know what Howard Dean’s religious convictions, if any, hold to. But it doesn’t matter in this case. Here we have a pro-gun candidate who is against this disastrous war in Iraq, and he is a candidate intent on principle to uphold he personal convictions. I like him, and for the first time in my life, I will vote for a Democrat, Howard Dean, to be my next president next November.
If he’s still alive.
Posted by J at December 5, 2003 06:12 AM