Report, Don't Decide!
So, this is something that really irritates me. There are seven primaries on February 3rd, but for some mysterious reason, the almighty press has decided that South Carolina is 'the one to watch.' In this overview of what's happening in those seven states,
Ron Fournier writes:
Interviews with more than two dozen experts in the Super Seven states turned up anecdotal evidence that Dean has the deepest grass-roots organization. But his operation is untested, and he may be weakest in South Carolina - the day's signature primary.
Who died and declared that South Carolina is that day's "signature primary"? These other states, Arizona, Delaware, Missouri, New Mexico, North Dakota, and Oklahoma, are just chump change? What?
They decide what story they want to tell, and then they find 'facts' to fit their story. Our national media is a disgrace (and no, not just on this one issue, this is just the latest one to tick me off).
Posted by J at December 5, 2003 10:26 AM
A recent Zogby poll proves nobody has traction in the state of South Carolina, or for that matter any of the Feb. 3 states (w/ the exception of Missouri)
Let Fournier talk about Dean's weakness in SC. It sure makes a helluva good story.