December 5, 2003
Who's Delusional, Again?
Bob Somerby eviscerates Charles Krauthammer and his latest smear column against Dean in which he quotes out of context in an attempt to argue that Dean is "delusional" and requires medication.
So you see what Krauthammer’s ellipses removed—and you see how men like Krauthammer subvert your democracy. As anyone watching this program would know, Dean was joking when he made his statement about wanting to break up Fox. But then, anyone who read the transcript would know that too—the transcript records audience laughter two times, and shows Matthews asking Dean to “be serious.” But men like Krauthammer hate your democracy; they want to reduce you to the status of rubes. So the creative man began cutting-and-pasting, making you think that Dean had been serious. The Washington Post should do the right thing. They should fire Charles Krauthammer—now.
The Daily Howler should be on everyone's daily reading list, by the way.
Posted by J at December 5, 2003 02:01 PM
I tend to like Krauthammer's views when he's not being so obviously partisan as was the case here.
I don't care about his views; I do care that he has LIED to his readership in this column.
Agreed, he should be fired for that.
You're right, J. Daily Howler is a daily must read.