Growth Exaggerations
I meant to link this a while back - the ridiculous Club for Growth ad is filled with stereotypes which don't hold up if you pay the slightest bit of attention:
Pandagon: I'll Take A Prince Albert
Bush has expanded the government more than any president in recent memory. So, who's the Club support? Lyndon LaRouche?
Two Starbucks in the whole of Vermont. They must be huge to accomodate hundreds of thousands of people each.
Vermont Starbucks: 2.
Texas Starbucks: 397.
Texas Starbucks per capita: 1.91/100,000
Vermont Starbucks per capita: .33/100,000
The difference being, apparently, that the Vermont Starbucks only have lattes.
Left-Wing Freak Show
And Howard Dean's angry?
Posted by V at January 13, 2004 08:23 AM