Democratic Survivor!
the intrigue!
Quote of the Day: "Good job. Good job. Call me." --Sen. John Edwards, making a bee line over to Howard Dean following the South Carolina debate where Dean took on John Kerry. A source in the Edwards campaign told CBS News that Dean had been trying to meet with Edwards before Thursday's debate but that Edwards didn't want to play.
In a recent BFA thread, someone noted that they'd 'heard' that Clark and Dean had spoken recently. (FWIW.) As someone noted in the Kos thread, are they gonna all work together to boot Kerry off the island? Dean, Clark, and Edwards (my top 3 for quite some time now) are all smart guys and I think all of them have purer (not pure, mind you, but purer) motives for wanting the Presidency than Kerry does. Surely they all agree on ABKBB (my new mantra: anybody but Kerry but Bush). So, maybe there'll be some plottings! Surely the Dems could provide me with a little bit of entertainment for my troubles as they provide more fodder for my cynical despair over the fate of the nation.
Posted by J at January 30, 2004 02:57 PM