They Brag About It
They brag about it, and don't even bother to hide the knives anymore.
candidate -- and media critic -- Howard Dean reacted with humor Tuesday in Milwaukee as journalists presented him with a long-sleeve white T-shirt. It carried the motto "Establishment Media" in front, and a slogan swiped from Dean in the back: "We Have the Power, Dean Press Corps 2004."
State of American journalism 2004: Arrogantly, debasingly, appallingly corrupt.
The fact that Dean reacted with humor to this display of rank self-satisfaction makes a lie out of their "he's so aaaangry, such an aaaangry man, with an eeeevil temper" lies of the last year. Too bad they're all too drunk on their own power games to notice.
Posted by J at February 21, 2004 09:30 PM