From 'A Charge To Keep' to...
From this morning's
Meet the Press:
MR. RUSSERT: On September 11, there is a commission now in place which the administration originally resisted and also resisted extending the deadline. They now want to interview the president. He has said he'll only sit down with the chairman and co-chairman of the committee for one hour. Will the president meet with the full commission and will he do it for longer than an hour?
DR. RICE: The president, of course, is the president, and he does have a schedule to keep, but he has said that he will sit with the chairman and with the co-chairman and that he will answer whatever questions they have. And I'm quite certain he will take as long as they need to answer those questions.
MR. RUSSERT: Several hours, a day if they need?
DR. RICE: Well, I would hope that they would recognize that he's president and that people would be judicious in the use of his time. But he wants as much as anyone to understand what happened on September 11, the causes of that, and what we can do to prevent future September 11s.

Wow, it's as though the President has no say in his own schedule.
Someone's holding a gun to his head and
making him give campaign speeches in swing states instead of getting to the bottom of 9/11!
Should we notify the Secret Service?
Oh, how far we've come.
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Posted by V at March 14, 2004 05:05 PM