Another Ignorant Person
NYCO adds
some thoughts about
the post below:
So this is the first anniversary of the Iraq invasion and occupation; it also happens to be the first anniversary of my divorce from cable news. I was so disgusted by the coming war that I swore to myself that I would not watch a minute of it. I thought it would be hard to do, swearing off television news; it wasn't. It was easy.
[...] And the funny thing is, once you stop watching cable news, it's like swearing off meat and going vegetarian (or so I hear - I'm not veggie). When you try to partake of it again, the stomach rebels.
[...] It's at the point now where my trust of the news media - pretty much all news media - has plummeted... as the line goes, it's dropped so low in my regard that if I listen hard, I can hear it go to pieces at the bottom of my mind.
So on the first anniversary of the war... let me scream it to George Bush and anyone else who'll listen... I didn't watch your fucking war! I escaped! You may have gotten the rest of the country, but you didn't get me!
Posted by J at March 19, 2004 09:24 PM