April 3, 2004
I wasn't going to comment on the mountain-out-of-a-molehill nonsense over
Kos' disdain for mercenaries at all, but
this is just completely ridiculous.
Do I even need to explain the myriad ways in which this is an intellectually insupportable move on the Kerry campaign's part?
Posted by J at April 3, 2004 09:38 PM
I agree with you, J. The Kerry campaigns response is, as one of the posters said on the Kerry blog, "a case of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face." KOS was right to question why paid mercenaries were getting top billing while the deaths of volunteer soldiers was merely a side note. Mercenaries choose to be there. Soldiers don't. I understand completely why the manner in which the dead mercenaries bodies were abused angered Americans. But, the fact remains that they chose to be there. The 5 GI's who also died that day had no choice.