Good Biden soundbites
Quoted on Bush's press conference in the WaPo:
President Is Long On Resolve but Short on Details (
Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Del.), ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was outspoken in expressing his disappointment at Bush's performance. He said the president had offered "platitudes every American agrees with, yet there wasn't one hint that I could detect of a plan of how to accomplish the goal."
In a telephone interview, Biden continued, "This is a guy who doesn't pass the buck, right? Yet he waits for the general to tell him whether he needs more troops. He's waiting for Brahimi to tell him who to turn over power to. He's waiting for the U.N. to tell him whether he needs a new resolution. He's got to lead."
Not bad, Senator.
Is he under consideration for VP or some other office? He's not my favorite guy, but he's been a prominent national-security figure for a long while now... at the least, Kerry should (continue to) use him as a surrogate.
Posted by V at April 14, 2004 11:52 AM