The Democratic primary in the Virginia 8th has been touted by some as a Dean-Kerry grudge match, with Dean supporting incumbent Jim Moran and Kerry (or Kerry surrogates like Bob Shrum) supporting challenger Andy Rosenberg.
I found the slime being flung about extremely distasteful. Long-time Dean-supporter "Maura in VA" was volunteering for Jim Moran and was tireless on dKos and on the
campaign's own weblog in rebutting the smears and defending her candidate. This thread was
particularly enlightening.
Moran won by 19 points and is facing a Republican named Cheney (no relation) in the fall.
Virginia is trending purpler and purpler
according to Rasmussen.
At the same time, the state house is full of
hateful bigots. Jefferson must be spinning in his grave.
Another race to keep an eye on is VA-5 where
Al Weed is challenging Republican incumbent Virgil Goode.
Posted by J at June 9, 2004 08:15 AM