I Need to Try This
This is pretty funny. From Farber's Interesting People list:
I thought I'd share with you something I've been doing for the past week or so here in DC that does wonders in demoralizing Republican committee staffers and Administration appointees.
1. Obtain ten (10) crisp one dollar bills;
2. Go to Kinkos and buy ten (10) ExpressPay smart cards;
3. Every time you meet a Republican staffer or appointee, give him/her a
card. When they ask why, tell them that you're concerned for their future
and know that they'll be needing to print off copies of their resume real
4. Watch them turn apoplectic.
Using this technique, I managed to clear three bar stools (thus making room
for my friends to sit down) at the Capitol Lounge last night.
(Not that I ever would try this, of course... I'm not that forward.)
Posted by J at June 11, 2004 02:26 PM