July 2, 2004
Cheney evacuated?
Interesting nugget from
Tristero's blog:
From the New York Times, 6/30/04, D3:
Cheney Pays Visit to Stadium"During the singing of 'God Bless America' in the seventh innning, an image of Cheney was shown on the scoreboard. It was greeted with booing, so the Yankees quickly removed the image."
What the Times left out -- and what we heard from two different people who attended the game -- was that the booing, jeers and catcalls were so loud and so widespread that the Secret Service hustled the Vice President out of the stadium immediately, fearing for his safety.
That would seem newsworthy to me... any "journalists" want to track that down and print it? ABC, maybe print it in the Note?
I didn't think so.
Posted by V at July 2, 2004 12:09 PM
I dunno. I find that hard to believe. Not unbelievable, I'm just a little skeptical.
I was there, I was booing. I didn't see Cheney removed. Then again, I was pretty far from the action.