Please, Not Gephardt
The Note, in its inimitable stupid-snarky fashion, is implying that Gephardt is the one. I appreciated
this comment by spot over at Kos:
The announcement is coming, so this may be my last oppurtunity to say aloud that John Kerry picking Dick Gephardt to be his running mate will go down as the most tone deaf, clueless, moronic decision by a Democratic candidate for president in years (which in a period that gave us the campaigns of Mondale, Dukakis, and Gore is quite a feat). It is a big fuck you to the suburban, white collar, Independents John Kerry needs to win in November, and for whom Dick Gephardt is the leading embodiment of crusty, fiscally irresponsible, protectionist paleo liberalism, not to mention a glaring, charismatically challenged reminder of why they voted for Reagan in the 80s. Its also a big fuck you to Dean supporters, who remember what Gephardt did during the primaries, and his behind-the-scenes deal with Bush over the war in Iraq. Add to that the fact that there is no evidence Gephardt will even help with the union vote (it split after all four ways in Iowa), let alone the even more crucial white, working class, non union vote Kerry also needs to make serious inroads in to win in November, and the scent of disaster will be in the air.
Democrats like Gephardt are part of the reason I refuse to become one. Kerry will be sending a truly unfortunate message if this is the decision he makes. Since I'm both a suburban white collar independent
and a Dean supporter, the message to me will be a double fuck you.
Here's hoping Kerry's smarter than The Note.
Posted by J at July 4, 2004 05:45 PM