Dean, Dean, Dean
Profile of
Howard Dean in the New Yorker. Some juicy tidbits here and there.
Dean has turned down TV ads for a submarine-sandwich chain and come close to doing an Herbal Essences shampoo commercial. "I drove my staff crazy with the Herbal Essences ad," Dean says. "I wanted to know everything about it."
[...] Dean is tentatively scheduled to speak Monday night at the convention. "Howard will have a major role at the convention," says Terry McAuliffe, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.
[...] Dean remains angry about some coverage, and he's even willing to name names, citing as "sleazebag reporters" Michael Isikoff of Newsweek [ed: Indeed!], Brian Ross of ABC, and the AP's John Solomon
[...] "I don't believe in kiss and tell," says Dean. "I don't have any animosity towards him [Trippi], but I think you can't put the campaign's business in the street. Who's mad about what, who didn't speak to whom, no sense in that."
[...]nothing engages him more than this new mission [DFA], which offers him a power base should he run for office again. "All the seed money he's passing out will pay off down the road," says Jenny Backus, a respected Democratic operative
[...] "Kerry talks to all the '04s, but a lot of it's pro forma," a longtime Kerry staffer says. "With Dean, he's looking for real tactical advice. They've found they have a lot in common."
[...] [Dean] was offended by the speculation in the media about whether they had a bad marriage. "There was a lot of bitchiness in the media about Judy," he says. [...]
I still really love that guy.
Posted by J at July 5, 2004 05:28 PM