July 6, 2004
Ok, CNN Breaking News:
Sen. John Kerry chooses Sen. John Edwards as his Democratic running mate for the 2004 presidential election.
I must confess I am mildly miffed that I didn't get an email from the campaign first. Hmph. And I'm quite relieved that it's not Dick Gephardt.
Alright, now to see smiling John Edwards tell Dick Cheney to go fuck himself. With southern charm, of course. Get to it, boys!
Posted by J at July 6, 2004 08:00 AM
I feel that John Kerry & John Edwards are good running mates. At the beginning of these Election Campaigns, they both seemed to have similar ideas about policies barring a few.
I got the email before Kerry made his formal announcement..but obviously so did the news outlets. They were making the announcement pretty much immediately after Kerry sent out the email.
I, too, am just simply relieved that it's not Gephardt. While Edwards isn't an inspired pick (like, say, Carole Mosely Braun or some other woman might have been), he's young and speaks well, which is a nice contrast to both Kerry and the Republican ticket.