Good Feeling
Just been browsing around a little bit re: Kerry-Edwards. I have a good feeling about this.
Nothing specific to point to... just a good vibe. Personally, I'm much more likely to tune in to listen to John Edwards speak than John Kerry. I did like the "two Americas" message. And while neither Kerry nor Edwards are 'young,' together they seem much more vibrant, energized, and engaged than the two haggard, vampyric, pasty white, oil guys on the other ticket. And, even though I think Edwards' policy chops are a bit weak (some of his debate answers were a bit alarming), he can be taught -- and hopefully he'll have
8 years to do some learning before Dean beats him in 2012. ;-)
So, I'm feeling better than I was a day ago. I may even get a Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker to put on the car next to my Dean sticker. Congratulations to the Kerry team -- they've got me paying closer attention again.
Posted by J at July 6, 2004 10:26 AM