Dick Cheney's Charm Offensive
Wow, I just don't know
how John Edwards can compare with this guy:
The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Cheney on the Hustings: The Reluctant Candidate
By the second rally of his weekend campaign swing, Vice President Dick Cheney seemed to be getting the hang of it, delivering an entire line of his standard stump speech looking at the audience instead of the podium as he usually does.
Then the audience got a little too excited. Their cheers forced him to read the same line twice. The vice president is a man who likes to get on with things.
"You guys want to hear this speech or not?" he asked, not angrily but not quite kidding.
"Big Time! Nrgh. %!$# yourself.
Fire, BAD!"
Thanks to the NY Times' Kate Zernike for highlighting the moment as the lead.
Posted by V at July 6, 2004 11:10 AM