Campaign Black Ops?
I am a sucker for spy novels and caper movies (although I still haven't read any Le Carre, which makes me just a poseur sucker, I guess.) There's been a bit of theorizing about who, if anyone, leaked "Gephardt" to the NY Post. Was it the Kerry campaign? Was it Rove? Did Murdoch just do it himself? I liked
this theory:
If it was a Kerry campaign black op, it was well done. It seems unlikely that Murdoch would have many contacts inside the Kerry campaign, but he would have many and deep contacts with the Bushies. We cannot doubt that the rethugs have any number of moles in the Kerry camp (as I would hope Kerry has with BC'04) - maybe the Gep thing was injected into certain circles of the Kerry camp with the hope that it would confirm/refute the suspicion that there was a mole there. If this is the case, the mole reported back to their rethug handlers who passed it on to Rupert, exposing to the Kerry campaign that their suspicions were well-founded.
Smoke out a BC04 mole or two and screw Murdoch as well. I love it! Alas, I guess we'll never know.
Posted by J at July 9, 2004 10:32 AM
This NYT piece has Rupert Murdoch being the 'source' for the Post's story, which might support the disinformation theory (i.e. who told Murdoch and no one else?).
Of course, everyone's under threat of firing if they disclose how it happened... hah!