July 16, 2004
Tucker Carlson, RNC Whore
Tucker Carlson is a media buffoon spoon-fed his
talking points by the RNC. CNN will keep him on, though -- they don't mind paying traitors? What's a lying, duplicitous hack matter?
Posted by J at July 16, 2004 08:49 PM
So...J...how do you really feel about Tucker Carlson?
carlson is a pus sack. Someone give him a quarter so that he can get a personality. I did't know one could stack shit that high.
I love Tucker Carlson, even though I'm a liberal. He's got a sense of humor and common sense, and he's so incredibly cute :) Too bad he's married. I wish I could fantazise without the guilt :p
I'm also a liberal and I also like Tucker! And MAN IS HE HOT. At least on TV, the pictures i've seen aren't as impressive, must be some awesome marble makeup or something because he looked early 20s on Crossfire. I don't usually agree with him, but at least he isn't a raving mad lunatic like the neo cons!