How It Could End
Generally, I disapprove of the particular vulgarity employed below (although that hasn't stopped me from using it on occasion, particularly regarding certain current "leaders" in government), and generally I'd try to post somewhat more high-minded documenting all of the lies from the Swift Boat Lying Liars for Bush (& Nixon!), but you can go read Atrios, or dKos, or Digby for details and documentation on these smear artists. In the meantime, I smirked out loud at
this suggested ad at dKos:
Trust me, this won't end until somebody calls Bush a "pussy."
[Fade in: Vietnam footage, swift boats, helicopters]
Kerry: Thirty years ago, I served in Vietnam, while George Bush ran away like a scared deer, taking refuge behind his Congressman daddy's legs.
[Cut to: Bush reading My Pet Goat.}
Kerry: He was a pussy then, and he's still a pussy. If he calls off the secret service, I'll kick his little sissy-boy ass back to New Haven, where he came from.
I'm John Kerry, and I approve this ad.
Posted by J at August 25, 2004 12:47 PM