Honing My Rage
When I thought I couldn't become any more enraged by what extremists are doing to my country and Constitution, they're now going after the first Amendment and political speech on the Internet. First it was
reported (without quotation marks) that George Tenet says:
Access to networks like the World Wide Web might need to be limited to those who can show they take security seriously.
What in the world does that mean? And today, the SCLM lies about Atrios and
then informs us all that:
Beginning next year, the F.E.C. will institute new rules on the restricted uses of the Internet as it relates to political speech.
The first Amendment/Internet battle was been fought previously (anyone remember
EFF's Blue Ribbon campaign?) - it's a shame that people continue to fail to understand what freedom and free speech actually mean.
Posted by J at December 8, 2004 08:54 PM
Information in this site is aimed toward foreigners on the Internet and expatriates in Thailand, having the loved ones visiting the areas during the disaster, to get the information about their friends, relatives or colleagues. For Thai nationals, we recommend that you start at the Government official website website and jump from there.