Novak Advises Dems - Oh Goody
Novak goes after Dean in column full of lies this morning in the WaPo (
here's a link to the SunTimes version, for some reason it's not online at WaPo). Claims that Dean is more interested in "purity than victory." But, gosh, then how did half of DFA's Dean Dozens win their races? And some in red states, no less! Also claims that "pragmatic" Democrats want anybody but Dean. Umm. Dr. Dean is
nothing if not pragmatic. What a liar.
And why would Democrats take advice from Bob Novak the traitor? And just who are the Dems Novak's been talking to? Probably his good buddies Carville and Begala.
I completely fail to understand why CNN and WaPo still give huge megaphones to this guy. The intellectual rot and utterly disingenuous smarm just reeks right off my computer screen.
Posted by J at December 16, 2004 10:15 AM