Dean, Dean, Dean
Chris catches
a great report from a DNC member abroad who's been on the receiving end of a phone call from Howard Dean about the DNC. Now, I
still think he would be better off staying far away from the festering pit of message-less, less-than-competent, consultant-happy, nitwits that seems to be the Democratic party *cough* leadership *cough* these days. But, if he's going to go for this, he definitely seems to be saying all the right things. A snippet, but read the whole thing.
Howard then mentioned that, should he be elected DNC chair, one of his first acts would be to hold a meeting of representatives from all fifty states to hammer out what our Democratic Party's core message should be. When he said that he hoped I'd be able to attend, I was, of course, deeply flattered.
Reflecting on this call, I see a skillful politician at work. But I also see more, a leader who is willing not only to reach out directly and solicit my vote but is also both willing and able to listen and to participate openly and frankly in a conversation with real give and take. I felt energized and empowered in a way that I haven't for months. This is the kind of leadership we need. Howard has my vote.
He's also got a proposal for the DNC to fund the salaries of
all state executive directors. I like, I like.
Posted by J at January 5, 2005 01:18 PM