Earth to John Kerry
Oh good grief.
John Kerry and his perpetual campaign strike again. This time he argues that the Massachusetts Democratic Party should not include in its platform support for something the state of Massachusetts has
already made legal.
US Senator John F. Kerry said yesterday that he believes it's a mistake for the Massachusetts Democratic Party to include a plank in its official platform in support of same-sex marriage, saying that such a statement does not conform with the broad views of party members.
I am not impressed. Earth to John, earth to John! Gay marriage is legal in your state!
Kerry already lost my vote for aligning himself with Rick Santorum on whether pharmacists can impose their theocratic views on me, but this just reinforces the loss. Not that he cares, I'm sure - I'm still just an independent in a red state.
Posted by J at May 6, 2005 8:27 AM