Clark on Dean
Wes Clark is standing with Howard Dean. Good. And here's a
fabulous (albeit unsourced) quote
attributed to Clark:
"No Democrat can win in 2008 unless the American people believe that they can defend them! The American people will trust the Democratic Party to defend America, when they believe that Democrats will defend other Democrats." Wesley Clark, April 16, 2005
I was for "Dean/Clark" for a little while during the primaries - this kind of leadership is good to see.
Tangential aside: There's a primary in my state tomorrow. I'm voting for the candidate who supported Dean in the primaries. I've donated $$ to two others in lower-level races with elections in the fall who were Dean supporters. At a local and state level, a candidate's reaction to Howard Dean is my proxy for understanding their approach to politics at the moment. I pay attention and I don't forget.
Posted by J at June 13, 2005 3:42 PM