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July 15, 2005

by V

Your Lazy Media: Blown CIA Cover edition

AMERICAblog has this right:

Sloppy reporting
I'm noticing more and more news stories getting very sloppy with the latest twist to the Rove story. What those stories are trying to say is:
  1. Rove claims he learned about Plame being CIA from other journalists and not from government sources. Even were that true, it's irrelevant to a senior government official leaking the name of a CIA agent - it doesn't matter how he found out. He knows better, and he flagrantly risked national security for petty revenge.

  2. Rove now claims he confirmed for Novak that he heard Plame was CIA, but that Novak asked him about her CIA connections first. Again, irrelevant. He confirmed an undercover CIA agent to a journalist, is he mad? I mean, if a journalist said "so, I hear we're invading Syria on August 15" would Rove respond, "yeah I heard that too"? No, he wouldn't. This kind of journalist prying happens all the time. But Rove decided to answer this time, putting our national security at risk.

  3. Matt Cooper's notes show that it was ROVE who offered Plame's CIA connection to TIME magazine, without any prompting from Matt Cooper. So, the Novak story is irrelevant either way. All the Novak story shows is that there's now a pattern of Rove outing Plame as CIA to numerous journalists.

  4. The White House lied to the press corp and the American people for two years, saying that Rove had nothing to do with the leak, and he did.

  5. President Bush said he'd fire the leaker, and now he's backing off of his own word.

Those are facts.
I would only add: the White House was very weaselly and legalistic in its statements about finding the leaker and firing them, so #4 and #5 may not be slam-dunks.

BUT: they certainly tried to give the impression that they were being upright and forthright, so it's certainly fair to treat them as though that's what The American Public understood them to be saying.

Making them defend themselves by admitting "Um, actually, we were being very very weaselly and legalistic" is not a bad thing.

Oh, Mr. Vice President...were you saying something?
They will offer more lectures, and legalisms, and carefully worded denials.

We offer another way...a better way... and a stiff dose of truth.
Big lie.
Posted by V at July 15, 2005 10:11 AM | TrackBack

Anyone who's ever hung out with people who have security clearances and take those clearances seriously knows that "no comment" comes out early enough that it can't be interpreted.

And folks who take security seriously also don't confirm or deny information that the rest of us might take as public knowledge.

That he may not have used her name or that the information may have already been leaked by someone else is irrelevant, neither of those is a defense to someone who takes a security clearance seriously.

Send him to Gitmo.

Posted by: Dan Lyke at July 19, 2005 4:48 PM

They should all be fired...from Novak to the Prez.

Posted by: Joanna at August 27, 2005 4:01 PM

Recommended Reading:

The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity: A Diplomat's Memoir
The Politics of Truth... A Diplomat's Memoir

Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush
Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush

Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke
Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror

LIES by Al Franken
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right

The Great Unraveling
The Great Unraveling

The Great Big Book of Tomorrow
The Great Big Book of Tomorrow

Clinton Wars
The Clinton Wars

Blinded by the Right
Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative

Waging Modern War: Bosnia, Kosovo, and the Future of Combat

Subject to Debate: Sense and Dissents on Women, Politics, and Culture

Living History

The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Campaign to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton

John Adams

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation

Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace

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