Novak discovers what it takes to get CNN to discipline you
Expose a CIA WMD agent in a column? No.
Change your story when you realize you could be in trouble for exposing a CIA agent? No.
Say a
bad word on basic cable and leave the set of a program? Now
that's SERIOUS! Hit the showers, Bob!
mediabistro: 'Time Off' For Novak After 'Bullshit'
CNN's not happy about the bullshit Bob Novak just pulled:
"Bob Novak's behavior on CNN today was inexcusable and unacceptable. Mr. Novak has apologized to CNN, and CNN apologizes to its viewers for his language and actions. We've asked Mr. Novak to take some time off," a CNN spokeswoman told us.
His other actions? "Yeah, whatever."
UPDATE: How weird.
CNN, which thought it a big enough deal to toss Novak (however temporarily), has posted the video itself!

So, now they're proud of the footage they just apologized for? Or, it's all just so newsworthy they can't help but promote it?
Posted by V at August 4, 2005 7:17 PM