"Only a little man"
Still not a Democrat, still forced by circumstances to be a one-party voter...
Funny line from an article on how out-of-sync the Republican-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate are:
House, Senate inject bad blood into relations [ContraCostaTimes.com]
Throughout history, jealously and conflict have been common between the House and the Senate. For example, until 2004, House rules for floor debate banned members from uttering the word "Senate," requiring them instead to refer to "the other body."
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., said the problem is summed up by a comparison to "The Wizard of Oz."
"The House thinks the Senate is the Cowardly Lion, the Senate thinks the House should sing 'if I only had a brain,' and the president turns out to be the Wizard of Oz: You pull back the curtain and there's only a little man there who can't keep them together."
If you add up all the dissatisfactions I have with all the different Democrats and their weird failures, it still pales in comparison to the utter distaste I have for the Republicans who are running things into the ground and just say it's
proof government doesn't work.
They're only a few words off - government by the modern Holy Republican Party doesn't work.
Posted by V at June 23, 2006 2:29 PM