One last batch of BS from Ohio Rep. Bob Ney
Ney drops out of fall race [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review]
"I'm doing this for one reason: my family," Ney said in an exclusive interview with the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. "My wife and two children have been through enough. I really believe this is the best decision."
Ney said his family had not asked him to withdraw.
"They said, 'Whatever you want to do, we're behind you.' They would have said that had I went the opposite way," he said. "But I just told them I felt maybe it was best not to continue."
..."Frankly, I had constituents calling me (last) week, telling me to hang in there," he said. "But I can't continue to put my family through this."
...When he does depart, Ney said, "I will do so without an ounce of bitterness or regret. It's time for my family and I to move on to a regular life."
Ney was vague about his future plans.
"I have some options in the nongovernment sector," he said.
OK, that last line I believe.
Attaturk @ Atrios has the link where
in January Ney vowed to run even if indicted. Oh, Congressman, for shame.
Posted by V at August 7, 2006 9:14 AM